Purpose of Blog:

After reading another girls blog entitled Kissing Frogs! I felt GREAT! It is good to know that I am not alone. I chose the title because I know when you read this you will think "and that is why Kim is still single" Everything on this site is from my perspective (a single female). I do realize that my perspective is limited and may misinterpert somethings. Please feel free to insert comments that will help me widen that perspective.

The activity on this blog is going to slow down as I have changed my dating profile info and has caused the crazy ones not to repond and I am only going to use this to tell about the crazy ones.

I am hoping this blog will help other single girls know they are not alone.

I am also hoping that if there are single guys out there reading this will benefit from seeing a girls perspective and consider behaviors and how they are received. Hopefully this will keep them from scaring the girl of their dreams off!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011


This was on a guys profile.

XXXXX  (NO ID NAMES LISTED) is married and has kids!!!!contact his wife! # one seven # one three zero 1 nine nine. I took his last profile to his house to show her!! This is his fifth different profile since he tried to hook up with me! He doesn't even look like this anymore.
The number signs have replaced actual numbers as to not identifiy this guy. I went to read the guys profile and this was on it....WTH!!! I laughed and thought I would share....is he being REALLY FUNNY or has someone hacked his account and he just doesn't know it!!!

oh well, on  to the next one.....

Monday, August 1, 2011

This is FUNNY!!!! **I stole this from a guy's profile**

Hello everyone,
I'm a 34 year old catch that lives with my mom and is looking for someone to replace her or atleast transition into working along side her to bide for my affection. I've never had a girlfriend per se but I never really started noticing girls until I overcame my porn addiction last year.
I've been trying to get my GED and then DeVry University here I come! My dream is to sell the ultimate video game idea and live off the royalties. I have this really cool idea about this boy who fights with a sabre of light and chooses the dark side of things and grows up to have twins with a queen who dies in child birth. Well the boy twin later learns the dark guy is his father and fights him and looses a hand. Yet he still believes in his dad and ultimately redeems him in the end and overthrows the dark side of things. And there is this little green guy with pointy ears and-well you get the idea. Feedback would be appreciated.
What makes me unique? I've never been arrested-in this county, I shower once a week, I can eat my own dandriff, and I like dining in the nude. My ultimate first date would be wherever mom feels like driving us to. She usually prefers Denny's.

Now, if you have made it this far, you are a very patient and accepting person. Just what I need :) Obviously all of the above was B.S. Aside from a few quirks I'm a great guy to hang out with. Let's chat!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mr Determined

I have been talking to a guy that seems really nice. I have known from the beginning it is not going to work but he seemed like a guy that would be a great friend.

I started talking to him yesterday. During the course of the conversation he asked about the guys I have met on the site so I explained that I have a blog to share about the crazies!!! At this point he let me know he was determined to make the blog......I believe his thoughts were to be a Non - Crazy...but I don't think it would work.

Today my niece was born. This is a very special time in our family. It is exciting, intense, and emotional experience. I posted updates on my facebook page and personal touches or reaching out to people were to my family and REALLY CLOSE friends!!!   I am emotionally drained and physically tired and close friends and family are all I have really wanted to talk to.......and the I get this message from this guy that I talk to for the first time yesterday that said, "You obviously don't like me because I have not heard from you and I am just wanting to know about your niece." REALLY!!! Yesterday I thought he was joking about some things and he made it known that he was not joking. If I wasn't too tired and emotionally drained I think I might have replied back...SERIOUSLY!!!!  and then explode on him about my day and how I really only want my family and closest friends around me today. However, since I am tired and emotionally drained I am going to ignore this message.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

In Box is Full ~~~~ of the same ole stuff!!!

The Momma's boy has sent a message with his phone number wanting to me to call him...I don't know if I have mentioned him but he lives with his mom and does not have a job. He also has already told  me he is need major dental work done.

HOTDADDY!!! or so he calls himself. He is the 55 year old guy that is married and is looking for a good time. My profile title is "Texas Girl looking for a Texas Boy" and he replies today with "what about a Texas Man. I am in such a mood that I want to reply "You mean a Texas Grandpa" but once again I will just ignore his message...

more guys not from Texas......

The best one today!!!!!!! He put in his profile that he weighs 116 pounds...REALLY!!! Okay so I am not willing to put my weight on this site...but it is safe to say that you can look at me and know that I am not 116 pounds....why would a guy brag about that on his profile!! Yeah definitely a Kermit!! *on to the next*

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dear Santa We Need to Talk!!!!

I know that I recently wrote to you on facebook that I wanted the Exhilarate Zumba DVD's and a dear friend provided those instead....

So I decided that I have not because I ask not....so I asked for a Diamond Ring for that finger....(you know the one) but it dawned on me this morning that we need to talk.......The guy behind that ring has to be worth having....and needs to be from Texas.....you know what I like........

I am afraid that the guy that just messaged me will not due.......While his below is funny.....I am looking for someone a little different...

hi how r u, hows ur day, u r so beautifull nd sexy, really i like u, if u smile u look more beautifull, i send u one smile,
one small kid write to santa clause
santa wrote back

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Police Officer Returns - almost a year later!!

Today I got a message from the Police Officer that wanted me to come over to his house before meeting him. (You remember - the one that wanted to meet me at the back of the Wal-Mart parking lot with no bra on - CRAZY!!!)

Well, almost a year later and he sends me a message to ask me how I am doing. I respond Okay and ask him how he is doing. He eventually tells me that we should meet up tonight. Honestly this sounds good just to be doing something different and not be alone so I asked where.....He responds his house. I reply "Not going to happen" I haven't heard a word from him since.

I wonder if we will be doing this dance a year from now.....Guess he thought I changed my mind!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mr Texas Football = Done

I keep trying to talk to him but all I get out of him is:

You like bowling?
You are an angel today
I like bowling?
You like Southlake football?
I like bowling
I like Southlake football
I like cat
Go Horn

Serioiusly this is how are conversations go and I have answered the same questions SEVERAL times!!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mr Texas Football

I have gotten tired of the guys that have chosen to message me. I was looking through profiles and I saw this guys pic.....he has a buzz cut and a cute smile....So I took it upon myself to say hi.

He seems really nice....It is refreshing.....The only thing is all we have been able to talk about so far is Texas Football. Don't get me wrong I don't mind the subject AT ALL!!! It is just that I am REALLY wanting to get to know a guy that seems like a gentleman and it is hard to get to know him if all he is talking about  is football...............uuuuuggghhhh.....

This is a definite "We Shall See!!

****I was able to find out that he enjoys going to church every week on Sat nights!!! As do I!!****

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Another One Bites the Dust

You've heard the song right http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQwJso11Phc&feature=related

Well I am thinking that describes my attempts to meet someone.

I will admit I was a little excited I got a message from a guy that was willing to meet me in public....so of course I had to say yes...

I get there and realize he is skinny and no Texas boy. Okay so I really like Texas boys and one of the many things I like about is the TEXAS TWANG!!! **yeah...I probably shouldn't admit this but I dream of laying next to Matthew McConughey letting him read to me.......I could do that all day long!!!**

This guy not only had no Texas Twang we have NOTHING in common. My family lives close and we stay connected and his is scattered. I was born and raised in Texas and he has seen a variety of places.

As we tried to talk about what we might have in common nothing came up. Oh, and add on we look like Miss Piggy and Kermit.

Then you add that we get to the table and "my friend would be sooo proud" I let him go to the table first and he pulled out the chair I wanted....and moved it to the other side of the table and told me to get a chair..

When we got to the end of the of this meeting he asked me if we could go some where else to talk or maybe cuddle. I explained that I needed to go home. He wanted to walk me to my car. We kept bumping into each other and I noticed that his elbow kept hitting my chest....and then he pointed this out. It was not a good time. I was COMPLETELY bored and if I talked about the things I am REALLY interested in he would have been just as bored. He isn't wanting to hang out with me....he is wanting to put up with me while he feels of my boobs!!!


Monday, July 11, 2011

I Just Went Off on Some Poor Unsupecting Guy!!

The last couple of weeks I have felt bombarded by guys offering friends with benefits, NSA, and a relationship full of the benefits of a committed relationship with out the commitment (because the guy would call it by name) I also had the guy that just let me know he wanted to get into my panties.

Tonight a guy I had not talked to in 6 months popped in to talk. I thought well maybe he has finally come around. He originally told me we could meet up at Flying Saucer (yes he is Flying Saucer guy) but when he was in the area he didn't invite me out he called to see if he could come over. I let him know I wasn't interested in that and he stopped popping in to chat. He popped in tonight letting me know that his roommate is out and he is alone. I don't believe people should try to be mind readers but I could see where this was going so I said, ".....so you are wanting someone to come over and keep you company so you message me....". His response, "Well I was hoping you might have changed your mind about wanting to come over". I asked him if we had met in public yet.....of course the answer is no so I made it known I had not changed my mind and went on to explain.

sorry for the caps I am just a little frustrated this week I realize you don't understand that you are about the 6th guy in a week that wants nothing more than a fun evening but you are and what guys tell a girl when they have done what you have just done is you are not WORTH my time or love.....YOU ARE ONLY WORTH BEING USED!! and I WILL NOT ACCEPT THAT ANY MORE!! I know that is not what you have said but your actions speak louder than words!!!

I really didn't mean to go off on this poor guy and I feel kinda bad...but I am not going to apologize. I am not going to back down....It is hard to think that in this loneliness that I am feeling that I am choosing this pain but I am!!! I can't believe it...the pain hurts....but I would rather experience the pain alone than longing to love and be loved and settling for just having someone around!!!!!!!!!!

Man, this is going to be HARD!!! but here I go at alone!!! and content in that until I find someone worth hanging out with.....

stay tuned!!! This promises to only provide more material for this blog!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

55 and MARRIED

I normally don't like to use anything that the guy uses to define himself but this cracked me up.....

Hot Daddy

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Graduate

His idea of a first date:
Let's just go to Fuzzy's. It's too hot to get all dressed up. Besides, their chips and queso is awesome !

That is AWESOME!!!!! Never been to Fuzzy's...don't know what that is like....but I understand the too hot to get all dressed up!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Reminds Me of the Parking Lot Incident

I don't normally do this, but I felt compelled to tell you something. You have an ABSOLUTELY breath-taking... chest!! I mean, that thing's good. I wanna be friends with it

I just keep seeing myself back in the parking lot with that guys head on my chest.....thinking does anyone see this crazy fool............this date did not go that great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I am not a PDA kinda person.....so that date would have needed to be over the top wonderful....and I was just glad it was over and we were headed to our cars.....

****I felt like responding to this.....so it is below****

While I do appricate honesty..........
I do see a problem......see......to make friends with my chest you have to be WAY more than just FRIENDS with me.....
and your statement has already made it clear you have no interst in me as a person.....so..........
I recommend...if you want to make friends with a girls chest you try making friends with her first....just a suggestion....

Thursday, June 9, 2011

He is 53!!!!!

This guy sends me a message every once in a while.....He is 53.....I already have a Dad...... I don't need another one!!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Smiling...this thing had me Laughing Out Loud!!!!!!

This is funny!!! and VERY CREATIVE!!!  but I just want a guy that can say..."hi, how are you....my name is ___ and I would like to get to know you!!"

Dear Postman,

If this email gets lost send it directly to Heaven cuz it's meant for an Angel! ^i^

Corny? Heck yeah!......BUT I Thought it sounded better than "Uh, duh, whatcha wearing" as an ice breaker. lol Anyway, liked your profile.....say hi sometime if you'd like.
Hope this found you smiling. @--,---,-----

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wanna Play Guy = Wanna be Slave Guy

So Wanna Play Guy popped in wanting to be my slave. His exact words:

Him: Long time no talk. Want a slave yet :)
Me: HAHA!!!! NAH!!!
Him: Damn, lol. I wish you would. You are so damn hot :)

The thing that gets me the most is "is this supposed to be a compliment" because it doesn't make me feel good....

it just makes me feel that much LONELIER!!! I am looking for someone I can do life with and have a good time experiancing life....and this is ALL I get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

This Type of Message JUST STINKS!!!

I want a guy that can offer his hand and look me in the eye!!!!!

This type of message says: "I am looking at my feet while I shuffle them around and if I offer my hand it is weak!!!"

:) hi! sorry for what is probably just another random message but id love to chat if you'd like! sorry to bother you if not!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Below is a message I received tonight. My first thought is this guy for real....My next thoughts are if he is I can tell you right now he is not someone I want to be with.....

I want a guy that loves me for who I am........My desire is for a long steady relationship that consist of encouraging each other to live the abudant life that God desires for us to have no matter what my size....


This guys proposal is not the direction I am looking forward too.....

Hi there :) My name is ****no names used here****, Im from NH. I must say you are very cute :) Im lookin to have fun, chat and maybe meet - lookin for a friend basically. I am a fan of bbw.... I'm also kinda a guy that jumps right into things - so i'll tell you right away what kind of friendship Im lookin for :)

First, I'm looking for a girl who loves her curves - loves everything about being big and a bbw....I'm also looking for someone who loves to chat online and likes to have a guy admire them ;) Someone who likes to be spoiled a lil - I would adore the idea of buying you good food and gifts of course cute clothes :) Essentially, im lookin for a girl that loves being big, wants to get bigger, and wants to be rewarded for it!

I’d be happy to talk n get to know you,i have pics too :) Hope to hear from you soon!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

He's a Biter!!!!

I have never talked to this guy before EVER!!! I have not even seen his profile on line and this is the first message he sends me.

"wow...Id probably bite you lol "

Thanks for the warning......on to the next one!!!!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Nice Guy

So his profie says that he is a nice guy and this is what he had to say!!!

Him:  u still have not found anyone yet?  lol
ME:  what an opening line...
ME:  and you're a nice man..
Him:  guess u dont remember us talking before
Him:  i am a nice man
ME:  hard to remember a profile without a pic
Him:  clear those cobwebs out, and open those legs, and u might just end up finding someone. hahahahahahahaha    :0
*** His' IC window is closed
ME:  OMG!!!

Yeah Coward got off before I could respond!!!!!!!!!!

.....and he is now blocked and will not bother me in the future!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mr Flying Saucer Again!!!!!!!

Okay. It has been a while since I have talked to this guy....

The last time I talked to him I had to confront the fact that he was only IM'ing me to come over to my apt. I had made it known in the beginning that I would not mind meeting up with him in public. However, he just kept asking to come over.

Tonight was the first time in a long time that he has wrote me. He told me he was at Flying Saucer and asked me if I wanted to join him. He let me know that my beer would be on his tab. I explained I don't drink beer and he continued with he would take care of whatever I wanted. While the idea sounded fun I knew that I had somethings that I needed to do...I explained to him that I had to get a 30 min work out tonight and go to the store. His reply: "I'll throw in a work out after a few drinks ;)" SERIOUSLY!!!! I was trying to give this guy another chance but he blew it!!!!!!!!!

I don't know this guy AT ALL!! We have never met!!! and He is INCAPABLE of being a GENTLEMAN FOR ONE NIGHT!!!!!! HE CAN HIT THE ROAD!!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Texas Boy

It started out good!! His message said this :

 "Hi.. Texas Boy applying to get the chance to get to know more about you.. :)"

Impressed that he read the head line of my profile I responded. The first thing he told me was that he  was born in raised in Texas. I thought Yay!!Some one that will get me! As he told me more and more about himself I thought this sounds promising. I really wanted to meet this guy. I couldn't wait to meet this guy. I've been traveling for work so I have been short on time at home. However, in attempt to meet up with him I carved out time to make it happen. The first meeting had to be canceled because he got sick. He knew he was sick when he woke up but according to him he postponed sending me a text to cancel until 40 minutes before the meet up because he was hoping he could make it. Then we talked about attempting to meeting up again and I gave him two times I could meet up. He chose Sunday knowing I was traveling as soon as we were done. Again, I was really excited, finally I was meeting up with a guy that I enjoyed talking too. The guy appeared educated, witty, and considerate of others. Great traits for a guy that you are looking to potentially date.

I woke up to a number of things that needed to be done. Packing, cleaning, and looking cute for this meet up. This meant that I would have to wear my cute clothes to travel. Normally I would just dress for comfort but since I was meeting him first I wanted to look cute. I spent all that time trying to look cute. I was walking out the door to be there in about a minute when my phone beeps. I knew I had a text message and expected it to be that he was there waiting. I got excited and thought good I am just a moment away. Then I read the text message. He explained that something had come up for work and he would not be able to meet me. A TEXT MESSAGE!!! This is the second cancellation and he sent a text message!!! Okay so the emergency at work could have kept him from calling at that moment. However, I didn't respond to that message ALL DAY!! NOT ONCE did he call or text asking if I received the text!! The text he sent explaining that he couldn't meet up also did not apologize for not being able to meet up with me. The last thing that really caught my attention was he lives 40 minutes from where we were meeting. He knew 40 minutes prior to this event that was not going to be able to make it. Yet sent the text message the moment we were to meet.

Again, I understand that life happens and we have no control over it. However, we do have a choice on how we respond. As soon as he realized that he was not going to be able to make it he should have CALLED!! If he was unable to call he should have sent the text apologizing for not being able to meet up with me. Then later he should have called to make sure that I did get the message and check on me because he knew I was traveling. He acted sooo concerned about me traveling earlier in the weekend. The least he could have done is asked if I made it to my destination. He didn't even follow up that rude text message.

Now it has been an entire day and I have yet to hear from this guy. I am thinking he is a little smarter than I give him credit for!!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Another NSA Request


Hi, I am looking for a NSA ongoing regular playtime with a girl who wants her body worshipped. Do you have the desire to be sexually ravished by a clean cut, handsome, professional white guy that loves to please orally? I also love penetration, and have the tool to please and know how to use it! So if you are craving a real man's touch send me a message and we can begin the process of getting you the best sex you have ever imagined! I love to make you cum, over and over. Let's explore your fantasies. I am a nice guy, laid back, not pushy and respectful. DDF, clean, and safe. You won't be disappointed! I'm 5 ft. 9 in. 160 lb. Clean, DDF, safe, sane, not flaky. I am real and serious, not into endless emails. I promise not to disappoint.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Another Wonderful Invitation!

Yes, because this is what every girl dreams of being asked!!!!!  
Im in town tonight. U looking for some fun? Would u like ur toes curled? :-)

*on to the next one...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Responded to Wanna Play!

I did it...I repsonded to Wanna Play's message read below:

ME: I am sorry..I have to ask....

Do I come across as a girl that would actually take you up on this....?

HIM: Nope but it doesn't hurt to try! Hehe. Plus I'm really cool when you get to
know me! I just like to have fun! ;)

Yep!!! People CRACK ME UP!!!

Wanna Play Guy - again

You have probably read that this guy keeps popping in asking me if I wanna play. Each time I ignore the request. I have noticed that on Sundays he has stared letting me know just how long he is available to play....I just laugh at this...

Here is the latest message that he has sent:

  Hey sexy... I'm available until 3 today if you wanna have some hot fun! I'm very open minded and I love to give pleasure... hit me up if you're down... ;)

Maybe one day he will realize I haven't responded to any of these and will give up!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Military Man / Flying Saucer Guy

Military Man pops in tonight to check on me. I have gone through some major changes in my life lately that he has been aware of and I considered this really sweet. Then he ask me if I will help him register for another dating site. (excuse me!!) He explained further that he would pay for it he just needed getting help registered. (WHAT!!???) Okay, so I have made it clear that I will not enter a "dating" "exclusive" relationship with this guy before meeting him. Since he is over seas it is not going to happen right now....I don't mind him meeting other girls and taking steps to find someone. I just wasn't expecting him to ask me to help him with this process. I really kinda thought that he was wanting to meet me. The conversation gets better. I explained the above information and he told me it didn't matter. He went on to explain that I didn't care about him. I asked him why he didn't think I cared about him. His response was because I would not send him money because he does not have access to his account. He then let's me know that I don't care about him because I will not pay for him to come home so that I can meet him. (Really???) He explained that he will pay me back once he is here. (yeah, and I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell!!!) It only gets better from here with him trying to quilt me into getting him home. I love that when we first started talking he was coming home in March and now that March is around the corner he doesn't know when he is coming home!!!!!!!!!!! (I understand it is the Army, but something isn't right about this pic!!)

Then I get a message from the guy I am choosing to call Flying Saucer Guy. When I first started talking to this guy he said, "I am at Flying Saucer all the time. We should hang out there some time." (side note: I love the pretzels) He told me that him and his friends are there all the time and he made it seem like he would invite me to join them. I will admit I got a little excited. It sounded like fun. Not only would I have a chance to get to know him, but I would get to see him interact with his friends. You can learn a lot about a guy that way!!! Well, as you can probably guess that did not happen. He has been over there several time and he sends me a message to let me know. The disappoointing part is that he does not send me a message to invite me along. No, he sends me a message to ask if I want company. Again, a guy that I have NEVER met and know nothing about wanting to come over to my place!!! I kindly say, "No, Thank You" but what I want to say is HELL NO!!!!! you (----------)*mean face* 

Sometimes I feel like I have desperate naive loser on my head!!!!!!!

I am wanting a guy that wants to meet up with me in public....that is a gentleman....has a great sense of homour....that I will be proud to introduce to my family and friends.........uuuggggghhhhhhh!!!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wanna Play Guy

Every once in a while this guy has popped in asking me if I wanna play. This has been going on for some months. I have not expressed interest anytime...I was nice enough to let him know one time that I would not be interested.

Today he sent me a message to let me know that he was available until 3 pm and once again wanted to know if I wanna play. I have an idea. Let us play: How many times does this guy have to be ignored and turned down before he finally gives up?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

This Just In.......

I was looking through my profile inbox for an old message. When I noticed that "What You Wearin' Guy" has deleted his profile.........hmmmmmm....might be a smart move!!!!

What I didn't include in my last blog entry is that he put his head on my chest!!! Out in the parking lot!! Now I will admit that he is not the first to attempt this! But MOST guys are subtle about this! I have laughed at the creative ways that guys have done this!! Oh NO not this guy he just out right bent over and put his head on my chest! (If he only knew that he needed to be thankful that my reactions are slow lately! Because instead of just moving out of the way, I would have knocked him out!!!!)

I now know that TACT is a good quality in a guy!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Meet Up w/ What are you wearin' guy!!

I have been going through a lot lately. Besides the normal issues of guys popping in wanting friends with benefits. I have experienced some major changes in other areas of my life that have caused me to be very emotional lately. I wanted to write a message to the "What are you wearin' guy" telling him that I would not be able to meet with him. However, with all my emotions lately I could not do it and be nice about it. Then it got too late to back out. I decided to go ahead and meet him...I figured if it got to bad I could just leave!!

When I arrived he started in...I could see how he was looking me, and he let me know that I am his type of girl....I couldn't help but think REALLY, because you know nothing about me. His welcoming repulsed me. I excused my self to the restroom that had some good music playing so I danced around and facebooked for while. (Did I mention that today was a really emotional day!!)

I finally got the nerve to make it back to the table...(I was in there so long that  he thought I left...ooops) Once we got over the fact that this guy CLEARLY LOVES boobs!! He was actually quite interesting. I did enjoy talking to him about his life. I had missed that the guy is from Europe!! His job requires that he moves every 1 and half to 2 years. He has lived in a number of places and has some very interesting stories. As I am thinking, "you know I would NEVER date this guy, but I could handle hanging out with him every once in a while" it is time to leave. The first thing that caught my attention is he kept mentioning that he wants to meet up tomorrow night....I told him several times that tomorrow night is my dance night. I didn't invite him along, and I kept telling we could not meet up because it is my dance night. He still made it known that he is going to attempt to contact me tomorrow night to go out!!!! (Maybe I should have tattooed this on my forehead.)

Then we walk out and he walks me to my car. This is a nice gesture. Then it happened.........He took this opportunity to step back and admire the view. I'll admit I have seen this look before....I have even seen it from the guy that I Googled.....(that guy I didn't mind getting that look from him. He also even got really close and I didn't mind that either) However, this guy I don't know, and the few things I know about him screams this guy is a loner, and is just looking to have a good time for a few months. Having him close to me felt gross. Then he tried to get a feel and that just felt slimy....I grabbed his hands, gave them back to him and let him know I was LEAVING!!!

UUUGGGHHH!!! This was a tolerable situation. He had gotten past the boobs and was really starting to come across as a grown man. Then he pulled that CRAP and we were back to him coming across as a 4 year old boy that doesn't know how to act in public.

You know what is really sad!! I get it...I get why girls end up with "those" guys. You know the ones that everyone calls bad boys...they cause more hurt then good but the girl keeps going back to him. One of the reasons that happens is because as humans we get lonely. Then we realize that while we don't have options we do have offers. So we settle for what we are being offered. I might have done that in this situation. However, I had a great time with a friend on Valentine's Day and I realized that no matter how bad it gets I don't have to settle for this CRAP!!!

I want the whole package!!! A guy that is educated, has interest, hobbies, family, friends, can act appropriately in public, and TRULY LOVES me!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What are You Wearin'? - Guy

A guy started messaging me that I got a little excited about!!! Big teddy bear, conservative looking, educated type of guy!!! The conversation started well....but he quickly went to the one thing guys notice about me.....my boobs!!! I tend to just except this and allow the guy to say what he feels he needs to say. I let him....Now, he can't get off of it!! I typically don't mind guys acting like guys, but this time is a little different.

I think it is because I am wanting a TRUE companion lately....I want a guy who can admire what he sees but treat me like a lady. I also want a guy that has a lot going for him. God, Family, friends, interest, and hobbies...are a BIG part of what I am wanting in a guy.

I am starting a new chapter in my life tomorrow and this guy has said he would like to go out on the same night. It sounded like a good idea to me. Again got a little excited!! He sent me a message letting me know when but no where. I replied asking where and he sent me a message asking me what am I wearing. I avoided the question and he said where....along with the message below.

"I was just wondering...what are you going to wear on our first date?
I have some wishes but I will leave up to you to make me smile when we meet."

I will admit....normally this is something I would over look!!! But last night was Valentine's and God bless me.....with great company A GREAT FRIEND and someone I would consider a brother...went to dinner with me and treated me like a lady all night.....I couldn't help but think...THIS IS WHAT I WANT!!! A good night out talking about what God is doing in our lives!! and common interest!!! and a COMPLETE gentleman the WHOLE time!!!

I will admit that feeling the need for companionship has caused me to consider guys I would have wrote off...and putting up with behavior that other girls would considered repulsive...

Don't get me wrong I am not looking for a guy to be perfect and I am not expecting them to step out of their skins and not be guys....

But I did go out for a great dinner!!! and now I am wanting that same GREAT dinner with guys that I consider "dating" for lack of a better word.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Is this guy for REAL??!!!

This is the message he just sent:
I am very real. A naughty daddy for a daddies little girl. Travel to Dallas area often create get back with Me if you're interested

I wonder what he would think if his daughter got a message like this....Maybe I should send his contact information to My Daddy!!! 

okay...the fact that he is 3 years younger then My Dad makes this REALLY GROSS!!!