Purpose of Blog:

After reading another girls blog entitled Kissing Frogs! I felt GREAT! It is good to know that I am not alone. I chose the title because I know when you read this you will think "and that is why Kim is still single" Everything on this site is from my perspective (a single female). I do realize that my perspective is limited and may misinterpert somethings. Please feel free to insert comments that will help me widen that perspective.

The activity on this blog is going to slow down as I have changed my dating profile info and has caused the crazy ones not to repond and I am only going to use this to tell about the crazy ones.

I am hoping this blog will help other single girls know they are not alone.

I am also hoping that if there are single guys out there reading this will benefit from seeing a girls perspective and consider behaviors and how they are received. Hopefully this will keep them from scaring the girl of their dreams off!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Meet Up w/ What are you wearin' guy!!

I have been going through a lot lately. Besides the normal issues of guys popping in wanting friends with benefits. I have experienced some major changes in other areas of my life that have caused me to be very emotional lately. I wanted to write a message to the "What are you wearin' guy" telling him that I would not be able to meet with him. However, with all my emotions lately I could not do it and be nice about it. Then it got too late to back out. I decided to go ahead and meet him...I figured if it got to bad I could just leave!!

When I arrived he started in...I could see how he was looking me, and he let me know that I am his type of girl....I couldn't help but think REALLY, because you know nothing about me. His welcoming repulsed me. I excused my self to the restroom that had some good music playing so I danced around and facebooked for while. (Did I mention that today was a really emotional day!!)

I finally got the nerve to make it back to the table...(I was in there so long that  he thought I left...ooops) Once we got over the fact that this guy CLEARLY LOVES boobs!! He was actually quite interesting. I did enjoy talking to him about his life. I had missed that the guy is from Europe!! His job requires that he moves every 1 and half to 2 years. He has lived in a number of places and has some very interesting stories. As I am thinking, "you know I would NEVER date this guy, but I could handle hanging out with him every once in a while" it is time to leave. The first thing that caught my attention is he kept mentioning that he wants to meet up tomorrow night....I told him several times that tomorrow night is my dance night. I didn't invite him along, and I kept telling we could not meet up because it is my dance night. He still made it known that he is going to attempt to contact me tomorrow night to go out!!!! (Maybe I should have tattooed this on my forehead.)

Then we walk out and he walks me to my car. This is a nice gesture. Then it happened.........He took this opportunity to step back and admire the view. I'll admit I have seen this look before....I have even seen it from the guy that I Googled.....(that guy I didn't mind getting that look from him. He also even got really close and I didn't mind that either) However, this guy I don't know, and the few things I know about him screams this guy is a loner, and is just looking to have a good time for a few months. Having him close to me felt gross. Then he tried to get a feel and that just felt slimy....I grabbed his hands, gave them back to him and let him know I was LEAVING!!!

UUUGGGHHH!!! This was a tolerable situation. He had gotten past the boobs and was really starting to come across as a grown man. Then he pulled that CRAP and we were back to him coming across as a 4 year old boy that doesn't know how to act in public.

You know what is really sad!! I get it...I get why girls end up with "those" guys. You know the ones that everyone calls bad boys...they cause more hurt then good but the girl keeps going back to him. One of the reasons that happens is because as humans we get lonely. Then we realize that while we don't have options we do have offers. So we settle for what we are being offered. I might have done that in this situation. However, I had a great time with a friend on Valentine's Day and I realized that no matter how bad it gets I don't have to settle for this CRAP!!!

I want the whole package!!! A guy that is educated, has interest, hobbies, family, friends, can act appropriately in public, and TRULY LOVES me!!

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