Purpose of Blog:

After reading another girls blog entitled Kissing Frogs! I felt GREAT! It is good to know that I am not alone. I chose the title because I know when you read this you will think "and that is why Kim is still single" Everything on this site is from my perspective (a single female). I do realize that my perspective is limited and may misinterpert somethings. Please feel free to insert comments that will help me widen that perspective.

The activity on this blog is going to slow down as I have changed my dating profile info and has caused the crazy ones not to repond and I am only going to use this to tell about the crazy ones.

I am hoping this blog will help other single girls know they are not alone.

I am also hoping that if there are single guys out there reading this will benefit from seeing a girls perspective and consider behaviors and how they are received. Hopefully this will keep them from scaring the girl of their dreams off!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mr Determined

I have been talking to a guy that seems really nice. I have known from the beginning it is not going to work but he seemed like a guy that would be a great friend.

I started talking to him yesterday. During the course of the conversation he asked about the guys I have met on the site so I explained that I have a blog to share about the crazies!!! At this point he let me know he was determined to make the blog......I believe his thoughts were to be a Non - Crazy...but I don't think it would work.

Today my niece was born. This is a very special time in our family. It is exciting, intense, and emotional experience. I posted updates on my facebook page and personal touches or reaching out to people were to my family and REALLY CLOSE friends!!!   I am emotionally drained and physically tired and close friends and family are all I have really wanted to talk to.......and the I get this message from this guy that I talk to for the first time yesterday that said, "You obviously don't like me because I have not heard from you and I am just wanting to know about your niece." REALLY!!! Yesterday I thought he was joking about some things and he made it known that he was not joking. If I wasn't too tired and emotionally drained I think I might have replied back...SERIOUSLY!!!!  and then explode on him about my day and how I really only want my family and closest friends around me today. However, since I am tired and emotionally drained I am going to ignore this message.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

In Box is Full ~~~~ of the same ole stuff!!!

The Momma's boy has sent a message with his phone number wanting to me to call him...I don't know if I have mentioned him but he lives with his mom and does not have a job. He also has already told  me he is need major dental work done.

HOTDADDY!!! or so he calls himself. He is the 55 year old guy that is married and is looking for a good time. My profile title is "Texas Girl looking for a Texas Boy" and he replies today with "what about a Texas Man. I am in such a mood that I want to reply "You mean a Texas Grandpa" but once again I will just ignore his message...

more guys not from Texas......

The best one today!!!!!!! He put in his profile that he weighs 116 pounds...REALLY!!! Okay so I am not willing to put my weight on this site...but it is safe to say that you can look at me and know that I am not 116 pounds....why would a guy brag about that on his profile!! Yeah definitely a Kermit!! *on to the next*

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dear Santa We Need to Talk!!!!

I know that I recently wrote to you on facebook that I wanted the Exhilarate Zumba DVD's and a dear friend provided those instead....

So I decided that I have not because I ask not....so I asked for a Diamond Ring for that finger....(you know the one) but it dawned on me this morning that we need to talk.......The guy behind that ring has to be worth having....and needs to be from Texas.....you know what I like........

I am afraid that the guy that just messaged me will not due.......While his below is funny.....I am looking for someone a little different...

hi how r u, hows ur day, u r so beautifull nd sexy, really i like u, if u smile u look more beautifull, i send u one smile,
one small kid write to santa clause
santa wrote back

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Police Officer Returns - almost a year later!!

Today I got a message from the Police Officer that wanted me to come over to his house before meeting him. (You remember - the one that wanted to meet me at the back of the Wal-Mart parking lot with no bra on - CRAZY!!!)

Well, almost a year later and he sends me a message to ask me how I am doing. I respond Okay and ask him how he is doing. He eventually tells me that we should meet up tonight. Honestly this sounds good just to be doing something different and not be alone so I asked where.....He responds his house. I reply "Not going to happen" I haven't heard a word from him since.

I wonder if we will be doing this dance a year from now.....Guess he thought I changed my mind!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mr Texas Football = Done

I keep trying to talk to him but all I get out of him is:

You like bowling?
You are an angel today
I like bowling?
You like Southlake football?
I like bowling
I like Southlake football
I like cat
Go Horn

Serioiusly this is how are conversations go and I have answered the same questions SEVERAL times!!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mr Texas Football

I have gotten tired of the guys that have chosen to message me. I was looking through profiles and I saw this guys pic.....he has a buzz cut and a cute smile....So I took it upon myself to say hi.

He seems really nice....It is refreshing.....The only thing is all we have been able to talk about so far is Texas Football. Don't get me wrong I don't mind the subject AT ALL!!! It is just that I am REALLY wanting to get to know a guy that seems like a gentleman and it is hard to get to know him if all he is talking about  is football...............uuuuuggghhhh.....

This is a definite "We Shall See!!

****I was able to find out that he enjoys going to church every week on Sat nights!!! As do I!!****

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Another One Bites the Dust

You've heard the song right http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQwJso11Phc&feature=related

Well I am thinking that describes my attempts to meet someone.

I will admit I was a little excited I got a message from a guy that was willing to meet me in public....so of course I had to say yes...

I get there and realize he is skinny and no Texas boy. Okay so I really like Texas boys and one of the many things I like about is the TEXAS TWANG!!! **yeah...I probably shouldn't admit this but I dream of laying next to Matthew McConughey letting him read to me.......I could do that all day long!!!**

This guy not only had no Texas Twang we have NOTHING in common. My family lives close and we stay connected and his is scattered. I was born and raised in Texas and he has seen a variety of places.

As we tried to talk about what we might have in common nothing came up. Oh, and add on we look like Miss Piggy and Kermit.

Then you add that we get to the table and "my friend would be sooo proud" I let him go to the table first and he pulled out the chair I wanted....and moved it to the other side of the table and told me to get a chair..

When we got to the end of the of this meeting he asked me if we could go some where else to talk or maybe cuddle. I explained that I needed to go home. He wanted to walk me to my car. We kept bumping into each other and I noticed that his elbow kept hitting my chest....and then he pointed this out. It was not a good time. I was COMPLETELY bored and if I talked about the things I am REALLY interested in he would have been just as bored. He isn't wanting to hang out with me....he is wanting to put up with me while he feels of my boobs!!!


Monday, July 11, 2011

I Just Went Off on Some Poor Unsupecting Guy!!

The last couple of weeks I have felt bombarded by guys offering friends with benefits, NSA, and a relationship full of the benefits of a committed relationship with out the commitment (because the guy would call it by name) I also had the guy that just let me know he wanted to get into my panties.

Tonight a guy I had not talked to in 6 months popped in to talk. I thought well maybe he has finally come around. He originally told me we could meet up at Flying Saucer (yes he is Flying Saucer guy) but when he was in the area he didn't invite me out he called to see if he could come over. I let him know I wasn't interested in that and he stopped popping in to chat. He popped in tonight letting me know that his roommate is out and he is alone. I don't believe people should try to be mind readers but I could see where this was going so I said, ".....so you are wanting someone to come over and keep you company so you message me....". His response, "Well I was hoping you might have changed your mind about wanting to come over". I asked him if we had met in public yet.....of course the answer is no so I made it known I had not changed my mind and went on to explain.

sorry for the caps I am just a little frustrated this week I realize you don't understand that you are about the 6th guy in a week that wants nothing more than a fun evening but you are and what guys tell a girl when they have done what you have just done is you are not WORTH my time or love.....YOU ARE ONLY WORTH BEING USED!! and I WILL NOT ACCEPT THAT ANY MORE!! I know that is not what you have said but your actions speak louder than words!!!

I really didn't mean to go off on this poor guy and I feel kinda bad...but I am not going to apologize. I am not going to back down....It is hard to think that in this loneliness that I am feeling that I am choosing this pain but I am!!! I can't believe it...the pain hurts....but I would rather experience the pain alone than longing to love and be loved and settling for just having someone around!!!!!!!!!!

Man, this is going to be HARD!!! but here I go at alone!!! and content in that until I find someone worth hanging out with.....

stay tuned!!! This promises to only provide more material for this blog!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

55 and MARRIED

I normally don't like to use anything that the guy uses to define himself but this cracked me up.....

Hot Daddy