Purpose of Blog:

After reading another girls blog entitled Kissing Frogs! I felt GREAT! It is good to know that I am not alone. I chose the title because I know when you read this you will think "and that is why Kim is still single" Everything on this site is from my perspective (a single female). I do realize that my perspective is limited and may misinterpert somethings. Please feel free to insert comments that will help me widen that perspective.

The activity on this blog is going to slow down as I have changed my dating profile info and has caused the crazy ones not to repond and I am only going to use this to tell about the crazy ones.

I am hoping this blog will help other single girls know they are not alone.

I am also hoping that if there are single guys out there reading this will benefit from seeing a girls perspective and consider behaviors and how they are received. Hopefully this will keep them from scaring the girl of their dreams off!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Nice Guy

So his profie says that he is a nice guy and this is what he had to say!!!

Him:  u still have not found anyone yet?  lol
ME:  what an opening line...
ME:  and you're a nice man..
Him:  guess u dont remember us talking before
Him:  i am a nice man
ME:  hard to remember a profile without a pic
Him:  clear those cobwebs out, and open those legs, and u might just end up finding someone. hahahahahahahaha    :0
*** His' IC window is closed
ME:  OMG!!!

Yeah Coward got off before I could respond!!!!!!!!!!

.....and he is now blocked and will not bother me in the future!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mr Flying Saucer Again!!!!!!!

Okay. It has been a while since I have talked to this guy....

The last time I talked to him I had to confront the fact that he was only IM'ing me to come over to my apt. I had made it known in the beginning that I would not mind meeting up with him in public. However, he just kept asking to come over.

Tonight was the first time in a long time that he has wrote me. He told me he was at Flying Saucer and asked me if I wanted to join him. He let me know that my beer would be on his tab. I explained I don't drink beer and he continued with he would take care of whatever I wanted. While the idea sounded fun I knew that I had somethings that I needed to do...I explained to him that I had to get a 30 min work out tonight and go to the store. His reply: "I'll throw in a work out after a few drinks ;)" SERIOUSLY!!!! I was trying to give this guy another chance but he blew it!!!!!!!!!

I don't know this guy AT ALL!! We have never met!!! and He is INCAPABLE of being a GENTLEMAN FOR ONE NIGHT!!!!!! HE CAN HIT THE ROAD!!!!